Directv Class Action Lawsuit – I want to know the details regarding the settlement reached in the DirecTV class action lawsuit.
DirecTV has agreed to pay $16.85 million as a settlement for a class-action lawsuit. The lawsuit was filed against DirecTV for making marketing calls to over 100,000 people on the National Do Not Call Registry. As a result, DirecTV has created a common fund of $17,000,000 to pay cash awards to the settlement class members and cover the administration costs of the settlement.
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If you are a settlement class member, you have a few options. You can fill out a claim form to be eligible for a cash award. Alternatively, you can object to the settlement or ask to be excluded from the settlement class. If you choose not to take any action, you will still be included in the settlement class. Make sure to read the notice to understand the details of the lawsuit and how it may affect you.
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